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Your First Two Weeks

Enroll In Benefits

As a new employee at Rutgers University, you are afforded a generous benefits package. To take advantage of these benefits, you must enroll in the specific programs that you are eligible for. After attending the New Employee Orientation, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information:

Questions regarding your benefits can be answered by using our OneSource Faculty and Staff Service Center.

Return New Hire Pension/Retirement Forms

Enrollment in your mandatory retirement program, whether it is the Public Employee Retirement System, Alternate Benefits Program, Police and Fire Retirement System, or another offered plan, is not automatic. You must complete the appropriate paperwork and return the forms to the OneSource Faculty and Staff Service Center. More information regarding each of these plans can be found in the materials provided to you during New Employee Orientation or on the UHR Pension webpage.

Self-Identification for Individuals with Disabilities and Protected Veterans

Complete the self-identification form for individuals with disabilities or protected veterans.

Become Familiar with Employee Self Service Through MyRutgers

By accessing employee self-service through the myRutgers portal (, employees can see paystubs, paid time off balances, update W-2 & W-4 information, and direct deposit among other information.

Meet & Greets

Take time to meet with your coworkers and introduce yourself to others in the office.

Adjust Your Workspace

Setup your workspace: bring in some photos and personal items to make your office/workspace a warm and inviting place to work.

Review Training Schedule

Discuss with your manager/supervisor the plan to train in your new position. A training schedule may be used to help facilitate this process.

In order to comply with federal and State guidelines and ensure a safe, productive and healthy work environment at Rutgers, new employees may be required to complete training in the following areas:

  1. Unlawful Harassment Prevention Training (all employees)
  2. Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety Training
  3. Defensive Driving
  4. FOR RBHS ONLY - State-Mandated Compliance Training
Review Rutgers Ethics Information

All employees are expected to understand the importance of ethics at Rutgers University. ALL employees will receive, and be expected to review and become familiar with, copies of the Rutgers University Code of Ethics and the Rutgers Plain Language Guide to Fundamental Ethics and Conflicts Rules Established by State Law, Federal Law, and University Policy. The policies may be found at the Rutgers Ethics Armor website and ALL employees must login and update their Outside Activity Questionnaire immediately upon hiring at the Armor website. For more information on the ethics programs please go to the University Ethics and Compliance webpage.

Additional Resources
  • Rutgers University Website: Rutgers has an extensive web site with many useful resources, including links to all the official university web pages, such as colleges, schools, and academic departments. There are also links to pages for finding campus phone numbers and email addresses of faculty, staff, and students, a comprehensive calendar of events, a building directory; and online maps for directions to on-campus locations.
  • Campus Information Services: Campus Information Services serves as Rutgers' central source for information and referral and is a credible, accessible gateway to Rutgers and its community. RU-info's services include the RU-info Call Center, Ask Colonel Henry email Q&A service, the online Calendar of Events; Off-Campus Housing Service; online campus maps and map distribution; and free historical tours. In addition to offering more than 60 channels in its video network, RU-tv provides opportunities for student production, university programming, and academic support.