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AAUP-AFT Shared Work Program

What is a Shared Work Furlough Program?

A Shared Work Furlough Program is a program that allows for temporary reductions in scheduled work hours and compensation to help mitigate a fiscal emergency, thereby minimizing layoffs wherever possible. The Program is subject to approval by the State.

Participants in The Program are not laid off. The salaries of program participants are reduced in an amount equal to the temporary time off. As a furloughed employee, you remain in active status and your employee benefits are not affected. Participants are eligible to apply for New Jersey state unemployment benefits regardless of their residence.

Program Duration and Parameters
  • The Program will commence on April 18, 2021 and conclude on June 25, 2021, pending FEMOA ratification and NJDOL approval.
  • Faculty participants shall have their salary and regular workweek reduced by 10% (half day per week) consecutively through June 25, 2021.
  • Faculty participating in The Program cannot work more than 90% of their regular workweek; this includes overtime and working extra days.
  • During this period, eligible participants will receive state unemployment insurance benefits and $300 enhanced federal benefits for each week that a furlough half day is taken.
  • Instructions for applying for unemployment will be provided in a forthcoming communication once The Program is approved by the NJDOL - PARTICIPANTS MUST NOT APPLY FOR UNEMPLOYMENT UNTIL UHR HAS COMMUNICATED INSTRUCTIONS TO THEM TO DO SO.
  • Exceptions to The Program are outlined in the Process and Exceptions section below.
Exclusions and Exemptions


  • Excludes faculty who work part-time.
  • Excludes faculty on visas (Green card holders are not exempt from the Program).
  • Excludes faculty on sabbaticals, approved family and other paid leaves of absence.
  • Excludes faculty on all leaves (unpaid, paid, intermittent) - This a change from previous Shared Work Furlough Programs.
  • Excludes New Hires and Transfers into the department with effective dates during The Program - This a change from previous Shared Work Furlough Programs.
  • Excludes TAs and GAs.
  • Excludes faculty with secondary appointments which disqualify them from receiving short-time benefits under The Program due to that secondary appointment:
    • Excludes anyone who currently holds or is expected to hold a Class 8 appointment from 4/18/21 – 6/25/21.
    • Faculty who are furloughed and are later deemed ineligible for UI benefits will be exempt from The Program and made whole for wages and benefits lost due to a secondary appointment.
    • Excludes faculty whose positions are fully funded through research grants or external funding sources are exempted from furloughs.


  • Faculty with secondary employment from a source other than Rutgers who are furloughed and are later deemed ineligible for UI benefits will be exempt from The Program and made whole for wages and benefits lost due to secondary employment - Secondary employment should be designated on the rosters to the extent it is available and exempt from The Program.
  • In addition to the exceptions above, an exception may be requested for faculty whose positions fall under the categories of Direct Patient Care or Other as follows:
    • The “Other” category of exception is for specific mission critical and time sensitive job functions. Justification and approval by the Chancellor or SLT member will be needed.
Unemployment Instructions and Resources

AAUP-AFT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I repay an overpayment to the New Jersey Department of Labor (NJDOL)?

Please visit the Overpayment & Refunds webpage on the NJDOL website for instructions on how to pay the overpayment you have received.

Since Faculty members are furloughed for one (1) half-day each week, does this allow them to furlough in the morning, then work their afternoon and/or night class on same furlough day?

Furloughing in the morning meet’s the Program’s requirements if the morning time identified and the afternoon and/or night class hours are part of the faculty member’s hours making up their workweek, and the morning time constitutes 10% of their workweek hours or is part of those hours.

If Faculty members work in the morning, then furlough in the afternoon, can they still teach their night class?

Faculty members can teach a night class if they furlough ‘in the afternoon,’ if the identified morning time, afternoon time and time for teaching the night class are part of the faculty member’s hours making up their workweek, and the afternoon furlough time constitutes 10% of their workweek hours or is part of those hours.

Can Faculty members perform ‘other’ work during the evenings of their non-furloughed days? Weekends? (i.e. grading papers, tests)

This is permissible if working in the evenings and weekends of the non-furloughed days is part of the faculty member’s hours making up their workweek and does not result in them working more than 90% of their regular workweek per the instructions provided – “Faculty participating in The Program cannot work more than 90% of their regular workweek; this includes overtime and working extra days.”

How do I change the mailing address on file with the NJDOL?

If you need to change your mailing address on file with the NJDOL, please follow the instructions below.

  • Go to
  • Click on “Existing users log in here” in the blue banner and log in to your account
  • Click on “Update Address/Telephone” on the menu bar to the left
  • New Jersey residents will need your New Jersey state-issued Identification Card or New Jersey Driver's License, or the Personal Identification Number (PIN) from your Unemployment Insurance benefits claim.
  • Out-of-state residents must have a valid Personal Identification Number (PIN) from your Unemployment Insurance benefits claim.
  • Former New Jersey residents changing to a non-New Jersey address must call 888-795-6672.
How do I change my payment method on file with the NJDOL?

If you need to change your payment method on file with the NJDOL, please follow the instructions below:

  • Go to
  • Click on “Existing users log in here” in the blue banner and log in to your account
  • Click on “File/Update Direct Deposit” on the menu bar to the left
  • New Jersey residents will need your New Jersey state-issued Identification Card or New Jersey Driver's License, or the Personal Identification Number (PIN) from your Unemployment Insurance benefits claim.
  • Out-of-state residents must have a valid Personal Identification Number (PIN) from your Unemployment Insurance benefits claim.
What do I do if I am having trouble with or forgot my Username and Password for my NJDOL online account?
  • Your username is the email address you used when you registered on the NJDOL website and opened your claim.
  • If you forgot your password, use the “Forgot Password?” option on the sign-in page. Instructions on how to reset your password will be sent to the email address we have on file.
  • If you need further assistance, please submit a message through the online NJDOL form. Fill in first page of the form and click "Next." Select “Trouble Creating an Account (Password Reset)" to submit a request to reset your password. After the NJDOL reviews your request, they will email instructions so you can reset your password.
How do I reset my NJDOL PIN?
  • You can request a new PIN using the NJDOL’s Claim Status application. You will need your Claimant Identification No. (Claimant ID) which can be found on mailed NJDOL notices you have already received including "Unemployment Insurance Instructions & Appointment Notice" or "Unemployment Insurance Appointment Notice”.
  • From the main Claim Status page, provide the required personal information and click "Enter." Your claim status will be displayed. Below "What does my UI claim status mean?", select the option labeled “How can I reset my PIN?”. Enter your 9-digit Claimant ID in the box. Enter a new 4-digit pin where instructed. NOTE: Please be sure to record your PIN and keep it safe. Click "Submit."
  • You will see a confirmation message that the NJDOL has received your request to reset your PIN however, you cannot use your new PIN until you receive an email confirmation from If you submit your request after 7:00 p.m., please check your email after 11:00 a.m. the next morning.
  • To avoid delays, please do not submit multiple requests until after you have allowed enough time to receive your email confirmation.